Thursday 29 November 2012

Matte Lemons

I know, I know, slack blogger is slack, but I have a legitimate reason for being AWOL, I swear! I've started a new job so I haven't had as much time to prepare posts / do amazing nail art / paint my nails pretty enough to share with you lovelies. Sorry! And on top of that, I'm pretty blimen tired, tbh. With that said, here are some pictures of my fingernails. 
I started with two coats of China Glaze Lemon Fizz, then stamped over that with KleanColor White. If I haven't raved enough about my pleasant surprise with KleanColor polishes, please take my word that they're brilliant, and freakin' amazing considering they're so cheap here ($3/bottle, vs OPI $26.90/bottle). I used Bundle Monster plate BM301, and topped everything off with Rimmel Lycra Pro Matte Finish top coat. 
Pretend there are more words here. I has a sleepy.
I double stamped on my middle finger (^ that isn't it, btw), hoping that if the white was glossy, it would contrast with the matte yellow and show up a little more. It didn't. The stamping was barely distinguishable to the naked eye, but I'm glad you can see it in the photos. 

I think I'm going to go and sleep now. Or watch tv. Or something that doesn't require me to be upright / focused / conscious. Zzzzzzzzzzz.... Thanks for stopping by ^_^