Tuesday 23 October 2012

Caught and Torn

Well hello there, wonderful people! Today's EXTRA SPARKLY post features OPI Catch Me In Your Net - a stunningly bright and glittery aqua that refused to photograph as anything but bright blue, despite staining my base coat and cuticles bright green. Last night I was having one of those evenings when I just needed some glitter in my life, and this glitter-overload polish satisfied every glittery craving. Behold!
This is two generous coats of Catch Me In Your Net, which I swear isn't a blue polish. I guess that's just the personality it wanted to show off in these pics. Stubborn little thing! Topped off with a coat of Seche Vite - as if it needed any help being over-the-top glossy!
Oh, oh, you can almost see some of the green peeking through in that ^ one!
Yummy yummy macro glittery goodness! 

Now, uhm, moving onto some sad news. About a week ago I tore the nail on my middle finger a little on the edge, right on the nail line, and though I plastered it with polish to keep it strong, the rip grew to about halfway across the nail. On Friday I finally got some nail glue and have been gluing it back on as best I could, and was really quite pleased with my amateur repair job...

... but then last night (the night I ordered 2 of the new OPI James Bond nail polishes, of course), the nail finally gave in and tore off completely while I was removing Catch Me In Your Net
Et voilà, the best nails I've ever had in my life were destroyed. Although I'm trying to stay optimistic and think that this is a great opportunity to grow strong, healthy nails almost from scratch, another part of me is screaming "I'VE BEEN GROWING THOSE SINCE JULY, DANG IT!!!". *sigh* C'est la vie n' stuff...

What's the worst broken nail you've ever had? Do you try to grow them out or keep 'em short n' sweet? Thank you so much for reading, lovelies!! See you soon! =D