Thursday 11 October 2012

Sparkly Sweet Heart

Hello lovelies! Hope the sun is shining wherever you are - it sure is here!! Today's mani wasn't going to make it to the blog but because it got such positive feedback on Instagram I decided to post it after all! After rocking some pretty dark / bright colours for a few days, I needed a delicate palette cleanser - OPI Sweet Heart and Pirouette My Whistle hit the spot!
This is two coats of OPI Sweet Heart over Cult Nails Get It On base coat. I was craving the pretty delicateness of Barre My Soul from the NYC Ballet Collection, but I didn't want to use sixteen hundred coats of polish to see my nail line finally fade, so I opted for Sweet Heart instead - similar shade in a much more opaque formula. Naturally, I had to add some sparkle... ;-)
I added a coat of Pirouette My Whistle over Sweet Heart - delicious shimmer delicate girly goodness! The almost grey base of this gorgeous glittery baby adds even more of that delish silver to the polish. If you haven't tried this over My Pointe Exactly (the grey from the NYC Ballet Collection) - do it! I did quite a while ago and can't wait to do it again with my new nail shape! The whole collection is simply dreamy!
Sparkle sparkle sparkle... =)
As you can see the micro flecks in Pirouette My Whistle are silver, but the large hexes are sheer white which prevents the glitter from being too heavy - everything adds to that delicate deliciousness! 

To wrap up I thought I'd share this little guy with you! My step-dad found him on our front lawn - thankfully before our cats could get to him!  
We think his Momma pushed him outta the nest a bit too early because he wasn't able to fly, try as he might! Loud little guy too! We know that mother birds won't feed their young after they've been evicted (pushed out of their nest...) so I mushed up some bread in milk and he went absolutely nuts for it! We noticed his leg was sticking out at a funny angle, so we took him down to the local vet where they informed us that he'd perforated his abdomen when he landed on the lawn, and he wasn't going to make it =(. At least we know he had a nice afternoon in the sun, plenty of noms, and was put to rest in the most humane way possible. Poor little guy! Still, it was nice to meet him! =)

Thanks sooo much for stopping by, you wonderful people! Hope the rest of your week is as bright and sunshine-y as a Summer afternoon =D