Wednesday 31 October 2012

Wanna See Something Gross?

~~ Happy Halloween!! ~~
Is that totally disgusting or what?? It's my first time doing an 'effect' mani, and I have to say, I'm pretty darn pleased with how this turned out! I don't really celebrate Halloween other than making sure we have candy for the neighbourhood trick-or-treaters, but with all the hype on Twitter from my American friends, I kinda felt like I wanted to do a themed mani. I thought about doing some stamping with spiders / bats / pumpkin faces etc, but it's kinda been done a LOT... (though Marta posted this one yesterday and my gosh, I'm glad I didn't try, it would never compare to that awesomeness!!) So I thought maybe a splatter mani with blood red polish, but again, that's been done a million times over... So I decided on something a bit more gore-y that I hadn't seen done much at all. I could be wrong by now because it's Halloween and all the manis are coming out, but when I planned / did it yesterday, it was still an original thought! =P
Ewwwww, that ^ photo grosses me out a bit, and I don't gross out that easy! (When you have a Mum who's worked night shift in the Emergency Dept of a major city hospital, you develop a stomach for the oogies ;-) ) I'm quite proud of this mani... ^_^

I started with two thick coats of China Glaze Winter Berry, with a coat of Zoya Kennedy on top. Over Kennedy I used an eye shadow applicator to sponge on China Glaze Holly Day and OPI Stranger Tides, creating a festering / rotting effect. Once the polish was 'gooey', I used a small dotting tool to gouge out chunks of polish, letting the bloody Winter Berry ooze through! No top coat, because I wanted all the texture I could get!
 Gross or what??
This mani was extra easy as there was no clean up required! Because I was aiming for a roughed-up look, the messier the better =).

An added bonus: after taking pics of the deliciously disgusting mani, I thought maybe the polish was still un-set enough to come off the nails with just a tissue. I was wrong, but the result was extra-extra disgusting!! Lookit!
That Winter Berry is the perfect bloody shade...
Ewwwww..... And thus concludes my totally gross contribution to the holiday! 

Do you celebrate Halloween? Do you like themed manis or are you totally over everyone doing the same thing? Thank you so much for reading - hope you're not too grossed out!! I promise tamer manis from now on =P Happy Halloween!