Monday 27 August 2012

Moody Marbled Blues

Well as it's Monday, it felt somewhat appropriate to post a blue, blue, blue mani for you today. It is a bit of a fail - though the overall effect is pretty nifty, it's not where near my usual OCD standards, and I didn't wear it for longer than it took to take the pics. Here's a relatively crap water marble. Enjoy!
OPI I Vant To Be A-Lone Star, OPI No Room For The Blues (my current obsession), and China Glaze First Mate. Because IVTBALS is so sheer and shimmery, I started with two coats for a base colour so that it would show up at all when marbled. Always good if you want to use a colour that doesn't necessarily show up on its own very often.
Then the horror began. Believe it or not, my middle finger was the one I did twice, and this is the better result! I wasn't feeling it, I guess, and you can tell that there isn't much love in this mani =(.
Though I did kinda like how my thumb turned out... I tried for a swirl for once. Ya like?
Bubbles, bubbles and more bubbles. It just wasn't workin' for me, I tells ya!
Then I started playing around with my camera... Heh heh...
Technique aside, as it was not my best day and I couldn't be bothered fixing all the bloopers, what do you think of the colour combo? Do you like one colour marbles (like this one) or are you a fan of the ones that use different colours? What was your best / worst colour combo? I'd love to hear from you lovely people!! Hope your week's off to a better start than mine ;-).