Tuesday 28 August 2012

Spot the Dots

Hiya lovelies! Another one 'from the vault' for you today! I wore this mani just over a week ago after I'd gone through the entries for Marta's 'Dots of Fun' competition and had a spark of inspiration! See if you can spot the one that inspired this dotty mani! My base colours are China Glaze Pelican Gray and OPI No Room For The Blues. Two coats of each started me off.
Aside from my two base colours, I also used BYS Black SatinSky's The Limit, and Revlon Indigo Night. I'm glad I took this photo because I never would've remembered what polishes I used =P
Then I got dotting! Using a relatively small dotting tool, I started with Black Satin first and dotted a dot in the middle of each nail. Well, that was the intent anyway. On my index and pinky nails, I missed... I followed the 'centre' dot back down to make a triangle. Then going from the darkest blue to the lightest, I followed the triangle back. On my index + pinky nails, you can see I put the blue outside the black because the design didn't come far enough down the nail for my liking. I don't know if I like it or not, but it's done =P.
You can see I added the grey in where it would be silly to dot in the same colour as my base coat. I'm working on getting my dots more uniform... so far not so good... Not as neat as I would've liked but the overall effect is pretty nifty.
So there you have my inspired dotti-cure. What nail blogs spark your inspiration most often? What's the most random thing that's inspired a mani for you? Thanks for stopping by! =D