Wednesday 26 September 2012

Pink Wednesday: Strawberry Delight

Hi hi hi! Happy Wednesday! I know, I know, slack blogger is slack, and I'm sorry I've been MIA this week but life's just sort of taken over and blogging's taken a back seat =(. As always, I felt obliged to do a Pink Wednesday post, so enjoy a simple 2 colour water marble with OPI My Boyfriend Scales Walls and Strawberry Margarita!
I started with two coats of OPI Don't Touch My Tutu as I have done for a while now - I haven't got a base coat at the moment and this sheer white gel polish is perfect to make the colours pop! I think I applied more to my ring finger than to my middle finger - can you see the difference in opacity? I wanted to try a different marbled design to my usual swirls, so I stuck my fingers in the middle of the water pattern instead. What do you think, do you like the side on swirls or these ones?
I smudged my index finger =( I applied a top coat without waiting for it to dry properly... Will I never learn? =P I used Rimmel Lycra Pro Matte Top Coat because I'm still a teensy bit obsessed with matte finishes... Just a teensy bit! I'm almost over it, I think... ;-)
That's all folks =) Thanks SO much for stopping by! Smile lots, and I'll try to post more ;-)