Saturday 1 September 2012

Cracked Apple

Hi hi lovely people! Hope you're all having wonderful relaxing Saturdays! So, I know crackle polish has come and gone and been done a million times in between, but I got my bottle of OPI Black Shatter toward the end of the craze and only used it a few times before I got seriously bored seeing crackle / shatter polish everywhere. Well it's been a while now, and my bottle was feeling lonely up there on the shelf, so I googled around for some inspiration on how to use it differently. This look was originally done in black with gold shatter over top and rhinestones, but I've adapted it for the colours I've got. Lookit!

Edit: I went back and re-googled to give credit where credit is due - check out the inspiration here! (Note this post was done a year ago! How behind the times am I, sheesh!
I applied one coat of OPI Big Apple Red, let it dry (aka applied some Seche Vite), then taped off an angle on the tips and applied some Black Shatter. I taped off the design with some black nail tape from the BornPrettyStore to give it a nice clean edge. Some more Seche Vite top coat sealed and settled it all in. Whaddaya think?
It can take a bit of practice to get the shatter to shatter properly, so I'm pretty pleased with how this lot turned out. Some of them aren't flash hot but on the whole, the effect's pretty neat, don'tcha think?
I think the black tape just gives it a finished / 'on purpose' look, as opposed to the random mess it was kinda looking like before I applied the tape... 

What are your thoughts on shatter / crackle polish? Love it, hate it, over it or want more? How do you mix up a mani that's been done a billion times before? Thanks for stopping by, sweet people. Happy weekends!